Colossians Study / Thursdays 12n / Pastor Theresa Swenson

4 Jun 12:00pm – 23 Jun 1:00pm 2020 EDT

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Tuesdays / Video posted on YouTube
Thursdays / 12noon / Zoom call
Leader: Pastor Theresa Swenson
Video starts June 2 / Zoom starts June 4

Colossians is the seminal epistle written by the apostle Paul that exalts Jesus as the supreme Lord over all who holds all things together in his loving hands. Study this letter in this 4-week study to clarify our vision of Jesus so we may continue to walk in Him, strengthened in our faith. This group is for men & women.

Watch Pastor Theresa’s video on our YouTube Channel every Tuesday:

Then meet on Zoom with a group on Thursdays to discuss. Leader will provide details.

Bookings for this event have now closed.